Welcome to CWBR Trust

Established exclusively for CWB retirees and their eligible dependants, the CWBR Trust is designed to protect access to medical, dental and life insurance coverage.

Have a new address or email?

You can update it on the member portal or contact us here.

Keeping you informed
Check out our 2023 Member Report!

May 15/24

A paper copy will be arriving in your mailbox in late May.

If you don’t receive your copy by early June, check out our digital edition of the 2023 Member Report or send an email to info@cwbrtrust.ca.

Don’t forget to submit your HSA expense claims for 2023!

Feb 5/24

You have until March 31, 2024 to submit your eligible HSA expenses from 2023.

Check out our February newsletter for details!

Introducing our new Chair

Jan 24/24

Larry Nentwig has taken on the role of Trust Chair, while Sym Gill, Bob Romphf, and David Pennycook are all staying on to serve as your Trustees.

See the Trustee bios section for more about your plan Trustees.

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